"Here's Lucy"
Debuted on September 23, 1968 on CBS
Left Prime
Time on September 2, 1974
144 episodes, 30 minutes each
Lucy Carter: Lucille Ball
Harrison Otis Carter(Lucy's brother in law): Gale Gordon
Kim Carter(Lucy's daughter): Lucie Arnaz
Craig Carter (Lucy's son): Desi Arnaz, Jr
Mary Jane Lewis (Lucy's friend): Mary Jane Croft
Vivian Jones (Lucy's friend, guest appearances): Vivian Vance
The Story
The Carter family resides in Los Angeles and consists of Lucy, her teenage children, Kim and Craig, and her brother in law, Harrison Carter, who is also Lucy's
She manages to get Harry and her kids into numerous adventures; some of which involve
Interesting Tidbits
Lucy's private secretary, Wanda Clark, appears breifly in episode 40, "Lucy Protects Her
The first 3 seasons of "Here's Lucy" were filmed at Paramount; the last three at Universal.